About Chemical Peels
Posted on: 22 January 2019
If the term "chemical peel" is something new to you, then it can sound scary. However, a chemical peel is actually a treatment to help improve the condition of your skin. When a chemical peel is done, a special solution will be applied directly to your skin that will cause the top layers of your skin to blister and peel away. The result will be the healthier skin underneath those top layers becoming the top layers. The new layers of exposed skin will be healthier, cleaner, and smoother, and they will have fewer wrinkles than the top layers of skin. While a chemical peel is most commonly done on the face, it can also be done on other areas, including your hands and neck.
Some people are better candidates for chemical peels than others
The doctor will look at your skin and let you know whether or not you are going to be a good candidate for a chemical peel. In general, people with lighter skin tend to be better candidates. However, this doesn't mean you are automatically out if you happen to have darker skin. The doctor should be able to let you know what to expect from the chemical peel depending on your skin. For example, skin of certain pigmentations may see fine results, while others may end up with certain areas where their skin may have uneven tones after the peel. If you have a lot of wrinkles, then the doctor may suggest an alternate treatment, as a chemical peel may not be right for you.
Getting a chemical peel
If it seems as if you are going to be a great candidate for the procedure, then there are still other things you and the doctor should cover. You want to tell them about any medications you are currently on or that you have taken recently.
Once you go in for the chemical peel, you will go in for an outpatient procedure. You may or may not need to have a driver take you home, so you want to find this information out ahead of time so you can have things set up.
At the start of the procedure, your face will be cleaned thoroughly, even if you have already washed it prior to coming in. Chemical solutions will then be applied to your clean and dry skin. This will cause blisters that will peel away and display that great-looking skin that was hiding underneath.
You have probably had a blister on your finger or toe at some point in your life. If you can remember peeling away that blister, then you know how fresh the skin underneath is. Although these blisters won't be that severe, they will offer you similar results, meaning fresh skin will become the surface skin.